- Softcover, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 294 pages.
- Encouraging humility, patience, prayer, introspection, and love, the Desert Fathers and Mothers have influenced centuries of believers, showing how contemplative practice can reveal the true meaning of everyday life.
- ISBN: 9781557257802
- Softcover, 5.25 x 8"
- 129 pages.
- St. Bernard of Clarivaux's masterful work on The Steps of Humility and Pride shows the uncompromising vehemence of his love for God which drew him to embrace the discipline and to learn the humility which monastic tradition taught.
- ISBN: 9780879071158
- Softcover, 89 pages
- 5.5 x 8.5"
- Previously available only in fragments, these Sayings of the Desert Fathers are now accessible in its entirety in English for the first time. First published in 1975.
- ISBN: 9780879079598
- Softcover, 5.5 x 8.5"
- 269 pages.
- Calm and spirituality the true hallmarks of Carthusian writings distinguish this book, The Prayer of Love and Silence. The first part sets out the principles of the interior life; the second works out a method of prayer.
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- Softcover, 145 pages, 4.75 x 7.5"
- Classic translation of the letters of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. This 2003 edition takes into account much modern scholarship on the 469 letters included.
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- softcover, 6.25 x 9.25"
- 562 pages.
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- ISBN: 9781472971326
- Softcover, 189 pages.
- 5.5 x 8.5 inches.
- The Joy of God contains the collected writings of Sister Mary David Totah, a Benedictine nun of the Solesmes Congregation, on Benedictine spirituality.
- Click here for a preview.
- This book is an invitation to joy, an invitation to discover the little-known daily lives of monks of Fontgombault, the mother house of Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey, to help us understand the peace that dwells within them.
- ISBN: 9781639661848
- Softcover, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 275 pages.
- Written in French in 2020, this is the first edition translated into English (2024).
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- Paperback
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- ISBN: 9781685952495
- First published in 1965. New edition 2023.
- Softcover, 192 pages, 5.5 x 8.5"