- ISBN: 9781557251503
- paperback
- 224 pages
- 5.25 x 8 inches
7 in stock
by Dom Louis Soltner
224 pages, 5.25 x 8 inches, paperback bound
Scholar, Priest and Monk, Dom Guéranger began his work in the aftermath of the French revolution, when religious life was effectively abolished in all of Europe. Aiming to restore all aspects of monastic life, the preservation of Gregorian chant – the sung liturgy of the church – was an essential part of Dom Guéranger’s goal. He re-founded the Abbey of St. Peter in Solesmes, France, which flourishes today as the worldwide center of Gregorian chant spirituality and performance. For all who have been attracted to the beauty and deep spirituality of Gregorian chant, this book is an inspiration.
Today the Solesmes congregation is made up of more than thirty monasteries of monks and nuns in Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and North America. The spirit of Dom Guéranger had a strong influence on some of the other Benedictine congregations and monasteries, especially in Germany, Belgium, England, Brazil, and Argentina.