
New Gregorian Chant Manual: Laus in Ecclesia Level Two

2024-07-03T12:42:59-05:00July 3rd, 2024|News|

The monks of Clear Creek are happy to announce the publication of Level 2 of the popular program for learning Gregorian Chant, Laus in Ecclesia.

Developed by the Schola Saint Grègoire in France, Laus in Ecclesia is a three-level course intended to train the faithful, choir members and directors to sing competently and beautifully within the context of the Mass and the Divine Office.

Level one was published in 2017 and sold through the first edition, so a 2nd edition is now available with improved features, such as spiral binding to allow the book to lie open and uncoated paper that is easier to write upon. Level two has just been published for the first time in English, with Level three projected […]

Passiontide Chant: If only the lover sings…

2024-03-20T15:57:28-05:00March 14th, 2024|News|

If only the lover sings, listen to the song, and you may catch a secret about the beloved.  The song of the Church, our mother, is marvelously expressed in Gregorian chant, and its quality rises to a unique pitch during these last two weeks of Lent, wherein the Church’s heart and mind are entirely preoccupied with Christ’s suffering.  Where better listen to her song than with monks, whose sole treasured heirloom is the liturgy?

Those unable to visit a monastery have now an opportunity to listen to a part of our family heritage with the recent album of these Passiontide chants by our motherhouse, the Abbey of Fontgombault.  Including the propers for the Masses of Passiontide and Holy Thursday as well as the Improperia of Good Friday and several responsories for Tenebrae, this recording […]

Symposium on Blessed Charles of Austria

2024-03-07T16:27:11-06:00March 7th, 2024|News|

Father Abbot will give a conference at the symposium Blessed Charles von Habsburg, the husband of the Servant of God Empress Zita, whose cause this Abbey promotes.  He will be speaking on Blessed Charles and his wife, and will elaborate the Benedictine-Habsburg connection.  The symposium will be held in Dallas on Saturday, April 13th, and feature conferences and interviews by others, like Archduke Eduard, Archduke Paul, Princess Maria-Anna von Habsburg Galitzine, Suzanne Pearson and Charles Coulombe, the last of whom wrote the biography on Blessed Charles featured at the monastic table and is writing another biography on Empress Zita. Discover more and reserve a ticket by clicking here Learn more about Blessed Charles here… Learn more about Servant of God Empress Zita in Father Abbot’s letter here…

Learn Gregorian Chant – Laus in Ecclesia Level One & Two & Three Courses 2024

2024-01-30T17:14:32-06:00January 30th, 2024|News|

Clear Creek Abbey will host three classes in Gregorian chant:

Laus In Ecclesia, level 1, taking the complete beginner or amateur in Gregorian chant to the level of being able to sing the chant with a certain competence

Laus in Ecclesia, level 2, building on the first degree, sharpening skills in reading notation, and rhythm, with an emphasis on the singing of the Divine Office in Gregorian chant.

Laus in Ecclesia, level 3, bringing all the previous levels to completion: this level is aimed primarily at directors of scholas, with a concentration on interpretation of bigger pieces and chironomy (direction).

The classes will be held from July 15th until the 19th, 2024. Find out more about it and register at .

Pilgrimage through Advent

2023-11-24T15:38:52-06:00November 22nd, 2023|Videos|

After reflecting on the Three Hearts Pilgrimage in October 2023, a lay friend of the monastery put this together to inform others about Clear Creek Abbey as we approach the start of Advent. View our Advent and Christmas items Discover more about the Three Hearts Pilgrimage

Finishing a Sacred Trek

2023-11-23T15:48:34-06:00November 7th, 2023|News|

2,000 pilgrims walk 35 miles to Clear Creek

Cardinal Burke and the monks of Clear Creek welcomed the pilgrims to the Mass concluding the annual Three Hearts Pilgrimage.

A number of articles are appearing about the pilgrimage, and Father Abbot will soon send a letter about the same.  Below you can find a few items about and from the pilgrimage.

(LifeSiteNews) — Being at a Traditional Latin Mass celebrated by Cardinal Burke was a perfect end to my recent pilgrimage.

I have just returned from the Three Hearts Pilgrimage in Oklahoma. This is an annual 35-mile pilgrimage walked over just two days – that is a little over 17 miles per day! It is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. It is […]


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