- Hardcover, 214 pages.
- 5 x 8 inches.
- Latin-English.
- Divided into daily readings.
- Used by the monks of Clear Creek for the daily reading of the Holy Rule in the refectory.
- Fundamental work on the Religious Life by Dom Prosper Gueranger
- ISBN: 9780907077480
- Sewn and Hardbound in Cloth with dust jacket
- 96 pages
- ISBN: 978-1887593236
- Softcover, 6 x 9
- 384 pages.
- Calm and spirituality the true hallmarks of Carthusian writings distinguish this book, The Prayer of Love and Silence. The first part sets out the principles of the interior life; the second works out a method of prayer.
- ISBN: 9780879077730
- Softcover, 145 pages, 4.75 x 7.5"
- Light and Strength - Mother Cécile Bruyère, First Abbess of Sainte-Cécile of Solesmes.
- First English translation of the French original, by Dom Guy Marie Oury, O.S.B.
- ISBN: 9780615862255
- 458 pages
- 6 x 9 inches
- paperback with full color cover, black and white interior, with illustrations.
- ISBN: 9781915544179
- Christ the Life of the Monk is a classic work on Benedictine Spirituality by the Blessed Abbot Columba Marmion
- Hardcover, 6x9 inches, 498pages
- While Dom Gueranger published many liturgical and spiritual works, this highly personal account of his early life and events surrounding the foundation of Solesmes in 1833 was never intended for publication, and indeed was never completed. It is now available in English, published in 2009.
- Softcover, 255 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches.
- In his Sermons on Conversion, St. Bernard of Clairvaux draws a picture of the perfect frontier bishop, and holds him up as a model for bishops everywhere.
- Translated and published in 1981, this volume includes:
- On Conversion: A Sermon to Clerics
- Lenten Sermons on the psalm "He who dwells."
- ISBN: 9780879079253
- Softcover, 282 pages, 5.5 x 8.5"
- Classic translation of the letters of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. This 2003 edition takes into account much modern scholarship on the 469 letters included.
- ISBN: 9780879071622
- softcover, 6.25 x 9.25"
- 562 pages.
- Antiphonale Monasticum 1934 Solesmes Edition
- ISBN: 9782852741733
- 1284 pages
- Hardcover
- 5.5 x 8.25 inches
- Ribbon marker