- Latin and English, side-by-side
- Paperback
- 230 pages
- 8.5 x 5.5 inches
- Click here for preview.
Abbey Editions is the imprint of Clear Creek Abbey.
- ISBN: 9781329653504
- Softcover, 59 pages.
- 5.5 x 8.5 in (14 x 21,5 cm).
- Offices of Prime and Compline in Latin and English according to the 1962 Benedictine Ritual.
- Learn Gregorian Chant with Laus in Ecclesia, translated by a monk of Clear Creek Abbey.
- Spiral bound.
- 268 pages, with color photos, diagrams, and illustrations.
- 9 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches
- Free audio exercises are available here that allow the learner to hear and enter into the spirit of Gregorian chant.
- In honor of their silver jubilee, the Monks of Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey present this booklet commemorating the founding of the monastery back in 1999, complete with many historic photos.
- Preview the book here!
- ISBN: 9798988731139
- Softcover, 32 pages, full color, 8 x 10"
- ISBN: 9781329973763
- Softcover, 54 pages.
- 5.5 x 8.5 in (14 x 21,5 cm).
- Follow the offices of Terce, Sext, and None according to the Monastic Breviary of 1962 in Latin and English.
- ISBN: 9781387783878
- Softcover, 117 pages.
- 5.5 x 8.5 in (14 x 21,5 cm).
- Follow the Office of Lauds according to the Monastic Breviary of 1962 in Latin and English.
- Click here for preview.
- Easy to use!
- Perfect for priests or seminarians
- By far the simplest way to learn the 1962 Low mass
Out of stock
- Paperback
- 5.5 x 8 inches
- 221 pages
- Perfect companion to the Antiphonale Monasticum!
- ISBN: 9781387783854
- Softcover, 117 pages.
- 5.5 x 8.5 in (14 x 21,5 cm).
- Follow Christmas Matins, Midnight Mass, and Lauds according to the Monastic Breviary of 1962 in Latin and English, with Gregorian Chant notation.
- Click here for preview.
- Light and Strength - Mother Cécile Bruyère, First Abbess of Sainte-Cécile of Solesmes.
- First English translation of the French original, by Dom Guy Marie Oury, O.S.B.
- ISBN: 9780615862255
- 458 pages
- 6 x 9 inches
- paperback with full color cover, black and white interior, with illustrations.
- Reprint of 1962 edition of Solesmes
- softcover
- 5.5 x 8.5 inches
- 233 pages
- Used by the cantors at Clear Creek