- In The Path to Rome legendary writer Hilaire Belloc speaks of his walk from Southern France to Rome, while using it as the basis for telling the history of Europe, an exploration of the English language, and the journey to Christ and His Church.
- ISBN: 9781505109221
- Softcover, 308 pages, 5.5 x 8.5"
- Here is a list of 100 books to read before you die with short reviews written by lay people of all ages and walks of life.
- ISBN: 9781621382683
- Softcover, 6 x9"
- 306 pages.
- This book, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, by Joseph Pearce, is an insightful introduction to world literature. It directs the reader back to the Story of Salvation History, because this is what great literature does.
- ISBN: 9781733522120
- Softcover, 5.25 x 8"
- 210 pages.
- This book of poems every Catholic should know is an anthology providing the finest Christian verse written during the second millennium of Christianity.
- Imitation leather, 297 pages, 6 x 9"
- If you have ever wondered why a certain children's book or film made you feel uneasy, but you couldn't figure out why, this book is just what you need. This completely revised, much expanded second edition also includes a very substantial recommended reading list of over 1,000 books for kindergarten through highschool.
- ISBN: 9780898706789
- Published in 1998.
- Softcover, 260 pages, 5.24 x 8 inches.
- The central character of the Plague Journal is Nathaniel Delaney, the editor of a small-town newspaper, who is about to face the greatest crisis of his life.
- ISBN: 9780898709810
- Softcover, 269 pages, 5.5 x 8 inches.
- According to the author, A Father's Tale is a modern retelling of the parables of The Good Shepherd and The Prodigal Son.
- ISBN: 9781621643654
- Softcover, 1076 pages, 5.25 x 8 inches.
- This novel, The Sabbatical, by Michael O'Brien deals with the tension between fatalism and the providential understanding of history, with the courage and love that are necessary for navigating through a confusion of signs, and with the triumph of faith and reason over the forces of destruction.
- ISBN: 9781621644903
- Hardcover, 375 pages, 5.5 x 8.25"
- In this #1 international bestseller, a young woman leaves everything behind to work as a librarian in a remote French village, where she finds her outlook on life and love challenged in every way. Inspired by John Senior who had much influence on the founding of Clear Creek Abbey.
- ISBN: 9781476734248
- Softcover, 258 pages, 5.5 x 8.5"
Out of stock
- The Masses of Holy Week (Palm Sunday and the Triduum) and the complete Office of Tenebrae in the Roman Rite (i.e., pre-1955). With full text in Latin and English, Gregorian chants, and illustrations.
- ISBN: 9781960711700
- Softcover, 488 pages, 6 x 9 inches.
- Letters from Father Christmas is a gorgeous, full-color, festive gift featuring a wealth of letters and illustrations that Tolkien created for his children, appearing in a smaller, more reader-friendly trim size for the first time.
- ISBN: 9780618512652
- Softcover, 111 pages, 7.5 x 9.75 inches.
- The letters are reproduced in full color.
- This deluxe hardcover edition of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic prelude to his Lord of the Rings trilogy contains a short introduction by Christopher Tolkien, a reset text incorporating the most up-to-date corrections, and all of Tolkien’s own drawings and full-color illustrations, including the rare “Mirkwood” piece.
- ISBN: 9780618968633
- Hardcover, 300 pages, 5.5. x 8.5 inches.
- Featuring a radically expanded index, this volume contains 354 letters, dating between October 1914, when Tolkien was an undergraduate at the University of Oxford, and August 29, 1973, four days before his death.
- ISBN: 9780358652984
- Hardcover, 707 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches.
- Tales from the Perilous Realm is the perfect opportunity for fans of Middle-earth to enjoy some of Tolkien’s often overlooked yet most creative storytelling. Includes Adventures of Bombadil, Smith of Wootton Major and Leaf by Niggle.
- ISBN: 9780358652960
- Softcover, 403 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches
- In Bilbo's Journey, Joseph Pearce goes beyond the dragons, dwarves, and elves, and discover the surprisingly deep meaning of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic novel The Hobbit.
- ISBN: 9781618900586
- Softcover, 142 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches.
- This special 50th anniversary edition includes three volumes of The Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King), along with an extensive new index—a must-own tome for old and new Tolkien readers alike.
- ISBN: 9780618645619
- Hardcover, 178 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches.
- Includes Appendices, Index and Maps.
- Joseph Pearce uncovers the rich—and distinctly Christian—meaning just beneath the surface of The Lord of the Rings in Frodo's Journey from the Shire to Mordor.
- ISBN: 9781618906755
- Softcover, 154 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches.
- Structured around Tolkien’s Middle-earth creation myth, The Flame Imperishable follows the thought of Aquinas as a guide in laying bare the deeper foundations of many of the more familiar themes from Tolkien’s legendarium, including such notions as sub-creation, free will, evil, and eucatastrophe.
- ISBN: 9781621383154
- Softcover, 289 pages, 6 x 9 inches.
- Published in 2017.
- St. Benedict Olive Wood Laser Cut and Engraved Medal on a 27" Brown Cord .
- Size: 1" - 25mm
- Comes in a clear plastic hinged box.
- Sold individually.
- Made in Italy.
- This short book will introduce you to a the Servant of God Empress Zita whose Catholic faith and unflinching trust in Our Lord directed her throughout a long life of devoted love.
- Softcover booklet.
- 5 x 7", 20 pages.
- A Saint in the Slave Trade, by Arnold Lunn offers philosophical and spiritual insights on how the power of St. Peter Claver's Christian charity revolutionizes and liberates souls in the direst situations.
- ISBN: 9781644135921
- Originally published in 1935, reprinted 2021.
- Read in the refectory at Clear Creek Abbey starting in February 2024.
- Softcover, 5.5 x 8.5", 199 pages.
Out of stock
- Hand-forged cross from solid steel by the Monks of Clear Creek.
- Unique work of art.
- 7 3/4 inches tall, weighs 15 ounces.
- Includes an integrated base so the cross stands upright.
- Superb craftsmanship and durability.
- Hand-forged cross from solid steel by the Monks of Clear Creek with an Italian corpus.
- Unique work of art.
- 11.5 inches tall.
- Weighs almost 2 pounds.
- Superb craftsmanship and durability.
- This extra large 3 inch Miraculous Medal includes the Miraculous Medal prayer in Latin and the large size allows for plenty of detail in the image.
- Made in Italy.
- 2" wide by 3" tall.
- Gregorian Chant for Passiontide from the Benedictine Abbey of Fontgombault in France.
- 25 tracks, total time 73'17"
- Physical CD only with Latin-English booklet, click here to preview.
- Listen a sample track here for the Introit Nos Autem of Holy Thursday:
- Calm and spirituality the true hallmarks of Carthusian writings distinguish this book, The Prayer of Love and Silence. The first part sets out the principles of the interior life; the second works out a method of prayer.
- ISBN: 9780879077730
- Softcover, 145 pages, 4.75 x 7.5"
- This volume contains Saint Bernard's sermons for the liturgical seasons of Lent and Easter. Included are sermons for the Purification, Septuagesima, the feast of Saint Benedict, and the feast of the Annunciation, all of which are interpreted by Bernard in light of the paschal mystery.
- ISBN: 9780879074524
- Softcover, 187 pages, 5.5 x 8.5"
- In his Sermons on Conversion, St. Bernard of Clairvaux draws a picture of the perfect frontier bishop, and holds him up as a model for bishops everywhere.
- Translated and published in 1981, this volume includes:
- On Conversion: A Sermon to Clerics
- Lenten Sermons on the psalm "He who dwells."
- ISBN: 9780879079253
- Softcover, 282 pages, 5.5 x 8.5"
- Mediations on St. Benedict's Twelve Degrees of Humility by Dom Pius Mary Noonan, OSB.
- ISBN: 9780648868828
- Softcover, 5.25 x 8"
- 83 pages.
- Encouraging humility, patience, prayer, introspection, and love, the Desert Fathers and Mothers have influenced centuries of believers, showing how contemplative practice can reveal the true meaning of everyday life.
- ISBN: 9781557257802
- Softcover, 5.25 x 8"
- 129 pages.
- Previously available only in fragments, these Sayings of the Desert Fathers are now accessible in its entirety in English for the first time. First published in 1975.
- ISBN: 9780879079598
- Softcover, 5.5 x 8.5"
- 269 pages.
- Classic translation of the letters of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. This 2003 edition takes into account much modern scholarship on the 469 letters included.
- ISBN: 9780879071622
- softcover, 6.25 x 9.25"
- 562 pages.
- St. Bernard of Clarivaux's masterful work on The Steps of Humility and Pride shows the uncompromising vehemence of his love for God which drew him to embrace the discipline and to learn the humility which monastic tradition taught.
- ISBN: 9780879071158
- Softcover, 89 pages
- 5.5 x 8.5"
- In The Life of Union with Mary, Father Neubert not only gives the dogmatic basis for union with Mary, but details methods of working at and achieving it.
- Originally written in French in 1954, translated and published in 1959. Reprinted in 2014.
- ISBN: 9781601140661
- Softcover, 294 pages
- 5.5 x 8.5"
- The Spiritual Life of the Priest focuses on the practical aspects of the priest’s interior life such as mental prayer, the prayerful recitation of the Office, the devout celebration of the Mass, Marian devotion and consecration, recreation and the exercise of self-denial. The book concludes with chapters that provide theological foundations for the interior life, so that priests can truly live their priesthood as friends of Christ.
- ISBN: 9781905574933
- Hardcover, 5.5 x 8.5", 167 pages.
- See all the works of Dom Eugene Boylan here.
- First published in 1961, The Priest’s Way to God combines chapters giving practical advice on every facet of the priestly life – prayer, the Holy Mass, and the exercise of virtue. It concludes with short but rich chapters on the theological truths that lie at the root of all spirituality – charity, the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in our soul, and total union with Christ.
- ISBN: 9781905574926
- Hardcover, 5.5 x 8.5", 182 pages.
- See all the books of Dom Eugene Boylan here.
- The Ordinary of the 1962 Mass in Latin and Spanish.
- Brief notes explain the Action at the altar. Includes prayers for before and after Mass, preparation for the Sacrament of Confession, and the chant notation for the Mass of the Angels.
- 5.5 x 8.5 softcover booklet, 58 pages.
- St. Benedict Rosary made from 7mm Black Wood Beads with knots every decade.
- Copper St. Benedict Medal Centerpiece and Crucifix.
- Made in Italy.
- St. Benedict Rosary made from 10mm Walnut Wood Beads with knots every decade.
- Antique bronze St. Benedict Medal Centerpiece and Crucifix.
- Made in Brazil.
- This volume contains the Office of Matins, including the readings for every day of the year, according to the 1962 Monastic usage, in Latin only. Pair with the Monastic Diurnal or Antiphonale Monasticum for the complete Divine Office.
- There is no English Translation.
- Published in 2023 by the monks of Le Barroux in France.
- Hardcover, 1236 pages, 6 x 8.5"
- Inspired by Benedict XVI's vision of the history of the Church, Joseph Pearce in The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful, traces three strands interwoven in Church History: The Good Saints, The Bad Persecutors, and The Beautiful Art.
- Published in 2023 and read in the refectory of Clear Creek Abbey beginning in January 2024.
- ISBN: 9781621645344
- Softcover, 309 pages, 5.25 x 8"
- Mother Mary Francis sets out to correct the record with the truth and beauty of the vocation to the contemplative life by toppling the “strange gods” that have assumed majesty and power in the post-modern age.
- ISBN: 9781685952495
- First published in 1965. New edition 2023.
- Softcover, 192 pages, 5.5 x 8.5"
- In writing this work, Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C., carefully and prayerfully examined the decree on religious life promulgated by Vatican II and uncovered its noble meaning and purpose.
- ISBN: 9781586171193
- softcover, 118 pages, 5.25 x 8"
- In He Gave Us So Much, Cardinal Sarah traces the spiritual contours of Benedict XVI's life and thought, revealing the image of a man on fire with love for God and neighbor.
- ISBN: 9781621646846
- Hardcover, 231 pages, 5.5 x 8.25"
- Published in 2023.
- Made in Italy
- Life-like and sturdy
- Perfect for families!
- Fontanini 52562
- ISBN: 9781088229347
- A Companion to the Monastic Breviary contains the General Rubrics of the Breviary and the Year and its parts with some commentary and explanation of the hours.
- Preface by Fr. Abbot Anderson
- Softcover, 4 x 6", 108 pages.
- Click here to preview the book.
- ISBN: 9798986815701
- Queen Isabel of Spain comes to life as a powerful and compelling figure under the pen of renowned Catholic historian Dr. Warren Carroll.
- Softcover, 6 x 9"
- 454 pages.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of the saint.
- Made in the USA.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of the saint.
- Made in the USA.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of the saint.
- Made in the USA.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of the saint.
- Made in the USA.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of the saint.
- Made in the USA.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of the saint.
- Made in the USA.
Out of stock
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of the saint.
- Made in the USA.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of the saint.
- Made in the USA.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 18″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of the saint.
- Made in the USA.
- 2.5" diameter
- 7.75" tall
- Beautifully detailed candle with a color image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a Spanish prayer.
- Made in the USA.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
- Made in the USA.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
- Made in the USA.
- 1″ Pewter medal with 23″ chain with clasp.
- Sold individually and includes a prayer card with an image of the saint.
- Made in the USA.
- In this book, Difficulties in Mental Prayer, Cistercian Dom Eugene Boylan explains what prayer really is, why it is necessary for everyone and how anyone can become proficient in it.
- ISBN: 9781905574728
- Hardcover, 5.5" x 8", 144 pages
- ISBN: 9781685950217
- Paperback, 5 x 8", 106 pages.
- But I Have Called You Friends: Reflections on the Art of Christian Friendship by Mother Mary Francis. Succinct and inspiring, this book is ideal reading for those living or discerning the vocations of marriage, priesthood, or religious life, as well as for all who have heard Christ’s invitation to friendship with him.
- ISBN: 9780824524142
- The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century by Robert Royal is a fascinating, edifying, and eye-opening view of the panorama of martyrs of the past century.
- The monks of Clear Creek have read this book in the refectory August - November 2023.
- ISBN: 978-1887593236
- Softcover, 6 x 9
- 384 pages.
- 2.5" Olive wood laser-engraved St. Benedict Medal.
- Includes a 27" leather cord to wear around the neck.
- Double-sided Antiqued Copper Saint Benedict Medal Keychain.
- Cross is 1.5" x 1.5" and the medal is 3/4" diameter.