
  • ISBN 9783963160301
  • Book cover bound in burgundy cowhide with gold-colored embossing on the front and back
  • 6 colorful high quality ribbon bookmarks
  • Compact size: 9 x 6.5 x 2 inches



7 in stock

SKU: 986


The “travel missal” contains all the texts for the church year according to the extraordinary form of the Roman rite of 1962.

Its compact size of 9 x 6.5 x 2 inches and its low weight of 3 pounds make it particularly suitable for traveling priests or in chapels with small altars.

The new 5th edition is characterized above all by improved user friendliness: The typeface is clearer and the paper is less transparent. The book remains open. The header of the “Missæ pro aliquibus locis” has been revised so that these masses are easier to find.

The first and last 30 pages as well as the canon are printed on thicker paper, which gives the book block more strength. The colorful and expressive canon image from the 14th century should be noted. Includes a burgundy slipcase.