- ISBN: 9781930278202
- English Translation of the Roman Martyrology from 1748.
- 6 x 8.5 inches, hardcover
- 358 pages
- This novel, The Sabbatical, by Michael O'Brien deals with the tension between fatalism and the providential understanding of history, with the courage and love that are necessary for navigating through a confusion of signs, and with the triumph of faith and reason over the forces of destruction.
- ISBN: 9781621644903
- Hardcover, 375 pages, 5.5 x 8.25"
- Told with tenderness and great suspense, and illustrated with eighteen fine drawings by the author, The Saintmaker’s Christmas Eve by Paul Horgan tells with imaginative fire and frank humility the miracle of Christmas: God’s mercy, made incarnate for all peoples.
- ISBN: 9781685953621
- Hardcover, 6 x 9 inches, 100 pages.
- 2024 reprint of 1955 edition.
- Previously available only in fragments, these Sayings of the Desert Fathers are now accessible in its entirety in English for the first time. First published in 1975.
- ISBN: 9780879079598
- Softcover, 5.5 x 8.5"
- 269 pages.
- It has all the hallmarks of a best-selling fictional thriller: espionage, conspiracy, a struggle against evil powers, undercover work by dark of night... but it's all true. The Scarlet and the Black tells the astonishing and heroic true story of Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty, the man dubbed "The Scarlet Pimpernel of the Vatican" during World War II.
- ISBN: 9781586174095
- Softcover, 5.25 x 8 inches, 191 pages.
- The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis is the most engaging account of temptation—and triumph over it—ever written.
- ISBN: 9780060652937
- Softcover, 209 pages, 5.5 x 8 inches.
- ISBN: 9781618909237
- Pages: 272
- Binding: Premium UltraSoft
- Dimensions: 4.25 x 6.25
- Here is the astonishing true story of the harrowing experiences of a young German seminarian drafted into Hitler's dreaded SS at the onset of World War II. Without betraying his Christian ideals, against all odds, and in the face of Evil, Gereon Goldmann was able to complete his priestly training, be ordained, and secretly minister to German Catholic soldiers and innocent civilian victims caught up in the horrors of war. How it all came to pass will astound you.
- ISBN: 9780898707748
- Softcover, 5.25 x 8 inches, 345 pages.
- "The shepherd cannot run at the first sign of danger." Father Stanley Rother was true to his word. He did not run. And he was martyred at the age of 46.
- ISBN: 9781681924564
- Softcover, 6 x 9 inches, 256 pages, with color photographs.
- The biography of Oklahoma's own martyr and the first U.S. priest to be beatified.
- The Silmarillion is the history of the rebellion of Fëanor and his kindred against the gods, their exile from Valinor and return to Middle-earth, and their war, hopeless despite all the heroism, against the great Enemy. It is the ancient drama to which the characters in The Lord of the Rings look back, and in whose events some of them such as Elrond and Galadriel took part.
- This deluxe hardcover edition includes Tolkien's own paintings and drawings, which reveal the breathtaking grandeur and beauty of his vision of the First Age of Middle-earth.
- ISBN: 9780063280779
- 6 x 9 inches, 358 pages, includes maps.
- The Smile of a Ragpicker brings us the heroic story of Satoko Kitahara, a young, beautiful woman of wealth who gave up her riches and comfort to be among the ragpickers in the Tokyo slums. Motivated by her newfound faith in Christ, she plunged into the life of the poor, regardless of the consequences.
- ISBN: 9781586178819
- Softcover, 5.35 x 8 inches, 254 pages.
- Read in the refectory at Clear Creek Abbey in January 2018.
- The Spiritual Life of the Priest focuses on the practical aspects of the priest’s interior life such as mental prayer, the prayerful recitation of the Office, the devout celebration of the Mass, Marian devotion and consecration, recreation and the exercise of self-denial. The book concludes with chapters that provide theological foundations for the interior life, so that priests can truly live their priesthood as friends of Christ.
- ISBN: 9781905574933
- Hardcover, 5.5 x 8.5", 167 pages.
- See all the works of Dom Eugene Boylan here.
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- ISBN: 9780879071158
- Softcover, 89 pages
- 5.5 x 8.5"
- Simply and reverently, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen meditates upon the Incarnation and Nativity of Jesus Christ, Son of the Most High, born in a lowly stable in Bethlehem of Judah, and the significance it bears and salvation it offers for each man, woman, and child.
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- Hardcover, 32 pages with color illustrations.
- The Way of Perfection is an astounding work by an astounding saint, St. Teresa of Avila, a highly detailed and immensely useful guide to approaching the Lord through higher and higher degrees of meditative prayer and contemplation, written by the queen among the saints of meditation, beyond compare in mystical wisdom.
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- Softcover, 355 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches.
- ISBN: 9780940112094
- Hardcover with dust jacket
- 8 x 11.5 in
- Full Color Illustrations
- Encouraging humility, patience, prayer, introspection, and love, the Desert Fathers and Mothers have influenced centuries of believers, showing how contemplative practice can reveal the true meaning of everyday life.
- ISBN: 9781557257802
- Softcover, 5.25 x 8"
- 129 pages.