
62 in stock

SKU: 2533


The pieces chosen for this album come from the Masses and Offices sung for the two traditional feasts in honor of Saint Joseph: March 19 and May 1.

Gregorian Chant from the Monastic Choir of the Abbey of Fontgombault, recorded in 2020.

The disc comes with a booklet which has the English translation alongside the Latin.

View booklet here.

1. Organ: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Joseph is well married
2. Antiphon Laetare
3. Antiphon Clamavit
4. Organ: Henricus Isaac, Sweet Father, Lord God
5. Antiphons Iacob autem, Missus est, Cum esset desponsata, Ioseph vir eius
6. Prolix Responsory Fidelis Servus
7. Hymn Te Ioseph
8. Antiphon Exsurgens Ioseph
9. Antiphons Ibant, Cum redirent, Non invenientes Iesum, Dixit Mater eius, Descendit Iesus
10. Hymn Iste quem laeti
11. Antiphon Ipse Iesus
12. Antiphon Ecce fidelis servus
13. Introit Iustus ut palma
14. Gradual Domine praevenisti
15. Tract Beatus vir
16. Offertory Veritas mea
17. Communion Ioseph fili David
18. Communion Fili quid fecisti
19. Organ: J.S. Bach, Adagio of sonata 3 for violin and harpsichord
20. Antiphons Missus est, Ascendit autem Ioseph, Et venerunt
21. Hymn Caelitum Ioseph
22. Antiphon Ioseph fili David
23. Antiphon Fili
24. Introit Adiutor
25. Alleluia De quacumque
26. Allelua Fac nos
27. Offertory Lauda
28. Communion Iacob autem
29. Introit Ecce oculi
30. Offertory In te speravi
31. Communion Dominus firmamentum meum
32. Organ: J.S. Bach, Sonatina God’s time is the very best time
33. Antiphon O felicem virum
34. Responsory Iam laetus
35. Organ: Johann Pachelbel, Toccata in E minor