- Liber Hebdomadae Sanctae Cantus Gregoriani – 1962
- The new Gregorian Chant Holy Week Book was made by taking out those parts from the 1962 Liber Usualis that pertain to the entire week, beginning with the restored Palm Sunday ceremonies up to and including the Easter Vigil.
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Liber Hebdomadae Sanctae Cantus Gregoriani – 1962
The most important week for any Catholic is Holy Week. During that time, the Church wants us to reflect upon one of the greatest mysteries of our faith: the passion and death of our Blessed Lord. The Church over the centuries has assembled some of the greatest prayers and ceremonies to commemorate this great act of love of Jesus. And these prayers and ceremonies are all accompanied by beautiful psalm tones and sublime Gregorian chant that normally are only heard during that mournful week. Since the recently reprinted Liber Brevior was based on the original 1954 edition, this book did not include the restored Pius XII Holy Week ceremonies and offices.
The new Gregorian Chant Holy Week Book was made by taking out those parts from the 1962 Liber Usualis that pertain to the entire week, beginning with the restored Palm Sunday ceremonies up to and including the Easter Vigil.
Thus, parishes with those interested in doing the offices of the Sacred Triduum, for example, can find this book most valuable in singing those offices on the last 3 days of Holy Week. And all the other sung ceremonies can be found in this book as well. For choirs on the parish level, we believe this book of 251 pages is smaller, more useful and more affordable for Holy Week, than the larger and bulkier Liber Usualis. All the music is in Gregorian notation with the rubrics in English.