- Prepare for Christmas with the Benedictines of Mary Queen of Apostles in their Advent at Ephesus Album released in 2012
- 16 Tracks
- Total Playing Time 48:37
28 in stock
SKU: 284
Categories: Advent and Christmas, Gregorian Chant CDs, Sisters at EphesusTags: Advent, benedictine, Catholic, Gregorian Chant, liturgy, traditional, warehouse
Prepare for Christmas with the Benedictines of Mary Queen of Apostles in their Advent at Ephesus Album released in 2012
16 Tracks
Total Playing Time 48:37
- Come thou Redeemer of the Earth
- Angelus ad Virginem
- Regnantem Sempiterna
- Gabriel’s Message
- Creator Alme Siderum
- Hayl Mary
- Rorate Caeli
- Praeparate Corda Vestra
- O Come, O Come Emmanuel
- Benedixisti Domine
- Maria Walks among the Thorns
- Alma Redemptoris Mater
- Adjuvabit Eam
- O Come Divine Messiah
- Vox Clara
- Like the Dawning