
  • This volume contains the entire ferial Office for the day Hours (Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline) according to the Roman Breviary of 1568.
  • Latin only, with musical notation. No English translation.
  • ISBN: 9798860889941
  • Softcover, 235 pages, 6 x 9 inches.

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SKU: 10144


This volume contains the entire ferial Office for the day Hours (Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline) according to the Roman Breviary of 1568. For the first time since the Solesmes reforms of Gregorian chant, the text is supplied with full musical notation. Also included are the seasonal Paschal antiphons, as well as the hymns, versicles, and short responsories said during Advent, Lent, Passiontide, and Paschaltide. A section on “Common Tones” teaches one how to sing the psalmody and the other recited elements. This book is indispensable for anyone who wishes to sing the entirety of the old Roman diurnal Office.

This book has the Latin only. There is no English translation.

By the same editor: Benedictiones Mensae (Pax inter Spinas, 2019), Traditional Roman Compline (Canticum Salomonis, 2021), and Completas del Oficio Romano Tradicional (Canticum Salomonis, 2022).