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SKU: 269


This Gregorian chant recording of the monastic choir of Fontgombault was made in 1981 in the Abbey Church, a jewel of Romanesque architecture that dates from the 12th century.

Available as an album download from:

Apple Music


“We should never tire of repeating that Gregorian art does not speak for itself, that it is much more prayer than art, while ‘infinitely surpassing even prayer’, as an outstanding musician once said.”

“There is no denying that every time there is a reference to her who was chosen by God, out of all eternity, to be the Mother of Jesus Christ while remaining a virgin, to the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who was singled out from the entire human race, the souls of our composers of long ago were moved to find exceptionally powerful expressions which would speak to her of their love or beg her intercession.”

The disc comes with a booklet which has the English translation alongside the Latin. Click here to preview the booklet.

26 Tracks: Total Time 65 mins 55 secs.

In this CD:

Mass for the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vespers of the Common of our Lady.
Floral tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  1. Introit: Salve Sancta Parens
  2. Kyrie X
  3. Gloria X
  4. Gradual: Benedicta
  5. Alleluia: Post Partum
  6. Credo III
  7. Offertory: Ave Maria
  8. Sanctus X
  9. Agnus Dei X
  10. Communion: Beata Viscera
  11. Vespers Antiphon 1: Dum Esset Rex
  12. Vespers Antiphon 2: Laeva Eius
  13. Vespers Antiphon 3: Nigra Sum
  14. Vespers Antiphon 4: Speciosa Facta Est
  15. Short Responsory: Ave Maria
  16. Hymn: Ave Maris Stella
  17. Magnificat Antiphon: Beatam me dicent
  18. Alma Redemptoris Mater (simple)
  19. Introit Rorate
  20. Gradual: Tollite
  21. Alleluia: Ave Maria
  22. Ave Regina Caelorum (simple)
  23. Regina Caeli (simple)
  24. Alleluia Virga Iesse
  25. Responsory Hortus Conclusus
  26. Responsory Salve Virginale
  27. Salve Regina (simple)