Letters to the Friends

Treading Softly

2022-02-05T15:56:03-06:00January 13th, 2020|Letters to the Friends|

Look, the storm of the Lord!
   Wrath has gone forth,
   a whirling tempest;
   it will burst upon the head of the wicked.
The anger of the Lord will not turn back
   until he has executed and accomplished
   the intents of his mind.

—Jeremiah 23:19-20

Dear Friend of Clear Creek Abbey,

In a world gone mad, where charity has grown cold and there is nothing less common now than common sense; in a time when religious persecution wears many masks and when all that is truly human is under attack by global strategies of the “culture of death”—targeting with especial virulence the family—we monks move forward in our own way, as boldly as possible, but treading softly. Under this winter landscape new life is real but hidden in the ground. New saints are being formed […]

Experimental Proof

2019-12-25T15:02:28-06:00December 25th, 2019|Letters to the Friends|

Dear Friend of Clear Creek Abbey,

According to a prominent thinker of the twentieth century, Simone Weil (she was not a Catholic Christian, but moving close the Church at the time of her premature death), “The beautiful is the experimental proof that the incarnation is possible.” If this soul not yet received into the fold of Christ could make such a bold assertion, how much more should the Catholic faithful find in the beauty of creation the traces of God? With the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity the supernatural sense of wonder grows even greater, as the “proof” becomes tangible. Here is what the preface for Christmas in the Roman Missal tells us:

For by […]

Nobility of Serving

2022-02-05T16:16:45-06:00November 15th, 2019|Letters to the Friends|

Dear Friend of Clear Creek Abbey,

It was ten years ago, on November 15, 2009, that our Father Dom François de Feydeau left us for God, after an aggressive brain tumor stole his earthly existence. For this true monk, illness and death were all part of the program of Christian perseverance and monastic life. Toward the end he wrote:

I am preparing myself for any eventuality, without anxiety and in peace. I am in the hand of God, to whom long ago I dedicated my life. All my life He has done nothing but good to me. [In facing death] I am following the straight line of my monastic vocation…What is important for me and helps me greatly is to understand the meaning of what is happening to me: I accepted […]

A Time to Every Purpose…20 Years

2022-02-05T16:18:07-06:00August 21st, 2019|Letters to the Friends|

Dear Friend of Clear Creek Abbey,

Fugit irreparabile tempus, sang the high Roman poet. As Christians we do not look upon the flight of time as a loss, but as a movement toward something better in the plan of God. So after these 20 years of monastic life at Clear Creek, what remains in the hearts and minds of our monks is—up and beyond the rest—a sense of thanksgiving to God for the past along with hope for what is still to come. Truly, the founding and development of our abbey has been a thing wonderful to contemplate—and you, our many friends, have been a great part of it. As our 20th anniversary approaches, I cannot find more fitting words than the ones I wrote ten years ago, to describe the memorable arrival in […]

The Valley of the Fallen

2022-02-12T15:07:33-06:00July 13th, 2019|Letters to the Friends|

Dear Friend of Clear Creek Abbey,

Every four years it is my duty and joy to return to France in order to participate in the General Chapter of our Benedictine Congregation of Solesmes. The beauty of the Abbey of Saint Pierre de Solesmes, with its nearby sister abbey of the Benedictine Nuns of Sainte-Cecile, never ceases to inspire those who visit this haut lieu of monastic life. During the General Chapter in May many vital topics were discussed, of course, inside and outside of the formal sessions. It is always enriching to be in contact with my brother Benedictine abbots and with the Nuns of Sainte-Cecile.

Given the fact that I am less frequently in Europe now, I try to visit other abbeys of the Congregation after each General Chapter. This year they […]

There is No Other Way

2019-03-13T16:00:30-05:00March 13th, 2019|Letters to the Friends|

Dear Friend of Clear Creek Abbey,

The clerical sexual abuse crisis that has now reached alarming proportions is like the many-headed Hydra that Hercules had to kill as one of his Twelve Labors—worse still, like the Beast of the Apocalypse with seven heads (chapter 13), something extremely hard to kill. Indeed, the restoration of the virtue of chastity in all its dimensions has become an urgent matter—a matter of spiritual life or death. What is desperately needed is a substantial reaffirmation of the Catholic doctrine concerning chastity and a new commitment to the vow of priestly celibacy, which is its corollary.

Surprisingly enough, our formula of monastic profession does not even mention chastity specifically. For as Dom Delatte points out, chastity—like poverty—is “included in the promise to observe monastic customs and the monastic […]

Boars and Acorn Bread

2019-02-13T15:40:02-06:00February 13th, 2019|Letters to the Friends|

Dear Friend of Clear Creek Abbey,

Many in our day seek ways of living closer to the land. At Clear Creek we are fortunate to have abundant natural resources in the rugged woodlands God has provided for us. Here follows a description of some techniques we are learning in an effort to make good use of these gifts of Creation. — br. Philip Anderson, abbot

Cherokee County, Oklahoma, is not known as Big Ag country: tractors in these parts (if folks have them at all) are small, and there are no “amber waves of grain” for as far as the eye can see. The harsh climate combined with the rocky soil require a more flexible approach to agriculture, aided by frequent and fervent prayer. Also helpful is an appreciation that “small is beautiful.” […]

In Praise of Innocence

2022-02-12T15:36:39-06:00December 24th, 2018|Letters to the Friends|

Dear Friend of Clear Creek Abbey,

For his part, Saint Paul argued that talk about certain subjects should simply be eliminated from the conversation of Christians: “Let it not so much as be named among you, as becometh saints” (Eph. 5:3). It seems that in our sad times, we Catholics are obliged to hear of nothing else but those forbidden subjects. Where has innocence gone?

At least on Christmas, let us hope, we can leave aside for a moment the depressing news and focus our eyes and hearts on the perfect innocence of the Christ child. For this one day, nothing threatens the spiritual peace. Herod’s black riders, those fearful population-control henchmen, have not yet arrived in the streets of Bethlehem. The Child in His Mother’s virginal and immaculate hands does not yet […]

From this Place

2018-11-13T16:00:47-06:00November 13th, 2018|Letters to the Friends|

Dear Friend of Clear Creek Abbey,

Contemplating the calendar invites us to look beyond the present moment, whether to the past or to the future. Together with this calendar I am sending you, I offer a few reflections on the past, present, and future of Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey.

In a homily given at the Mass for the official opening of our monastery on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11, 2000, the Most Reverend Edward J. Slattery, then bishop of Tulsa, made comments that seemed to take on a prophetic character:

…[T]he monk who freely consecrates himself to God through the voluntary renunciations of poverty, chastity, obedience, through the practice of conversion and stability, all this leading him to a life of prayerful passion and […]

Anchored in the Stars

2022-02-12T15:37:42-06:00October 13th, 2018|Letters to the Friends|

Dear Friend of Clear Creek Abbey,

While news from the nation’s capital and around America—truly a nation divided— continues to be unsettling; as scandals and rumors of corruption within the Catholic Church unleash their confusion upon us week-by-week, we instinctively search for a sure point of reference, one that will provide our lives with stability and ensure our peace. Where on earth shall we find it?

When, a few years ago here at Clear Creek, it came time to devise a coat-of-arms for the newly established abbey (this happened in 2010), someone wisely suggested we include a cross on our shield. As the most likely place for this cross turned out to be near the bottom tip of […]


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