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SKU: 266


This Christmas Gregorian chant recording of the monastic choir of Fontgombault was recorded in 1981 in the Abbey Church, a jewel of Romanesque architecture that dates from the 12th century. It includes the chants of the Midnight and  Christmas day Masses, two Responsories from the Office of Matins, and the gracious Sequence Ave María grátia plena.

The disc comes with a booklet which has the English translation alongside the Latin.

Midnight Mass
1. Introit “Dominus dixit ad me”
2. Gradual “Tecum Principium”
3. Alleluia “Dominus dixit ad me”
4. Offertory “Latentur”
5. Communion “In splendoribus”
6. Responsory “Hodie”
7. Responsory “Quem vidistis”
Daytime Mass
8. Introit “Puer”
9. Gradual “Viderunt”
10. Alleluia “Dies sanctificatus”
11. Offertory “Tui sunt”
12. Communion “Viderunt omnes”
13. Hymn “Christe Redemptor”
14. Sequence “Ave Maria”

Total time – 44:25 minutes