- From a young age, Carlo's enthusiasm for Jesus was contagious. His witness brought his own family back to faith and even helped convert his Hindu au pair to Catholicism. Carlo called the Eucharist "my highway to heaven" and was eager to tell everyone about the incredible reality of Christ's true presence in the world.
- ISBN: 9781621645443
- Published in 2023, softcover, 175 pages, 5.25 x 8"
- Read in the refectory at Clear Creek starting in March 2024.
- At the End of the Santa Fe Trail by Sister Blandina Segale.
- ISBN: 9780692291498
- Softcover, 298 pages, 5.25 x 7.75"
- Reprint of original edition of 1932 with new introductory material and illustrations in 2014.
- Read in the refectory at Clear Creek Abbey starting in June 2023.
- Here, together in a single volume, are the two biographies that many critics consider both Chesterton's best, and the best short portraits ever written of Saint Dominic and Francis.
- ISBN: 9780898709452
- Softcover, 320 pages, 5.25 x 8 inches.
- Father Pro's generous love for the poor, the young, the sick, the tempted, and the spiritually weak attracted many hearts to him, and through him to Christ. In addition to his charity, his wit and courage make him a model for all Christians, especially those being persecuted for their faith and young people, who are inspired by his heroism.
- ISBN: 9781621641667
- Softcover, 5. 25 x 8 inches, 155 pages.
- Read in the refectory at Clear Creek Abbey in September 2019.
- A Saint in the Slave Trade, by Arnold Lunn offers philosophical and spiritual insights on how the power of St. Peter Claver's Christian charity revolutionizes and liberates souls in the direst situations.
- ISBN: 9781644135921
- Originally published in 1935, reprinted 2021.
- Read in the refectory at Clear Creek Abbey starting in February 2024.
- Softcover, 5.5 x 8.5", 199 pages.
- Saints of the American Wilderness: The Brave Lives and Holy Deaths of the Eight North American Martyrs, by John A. O'Brien
- ISBN: 9781928832904
- Softcover, 272 pages
- 8.5 x 5.5 inches
- This book was read in the refectory of Clear Creek Abbey starting in April 2023.
- This biography of St. Francis stands alone as a richly informed portrait of a man whose complex faith and commitment continue to inspire today. Written by Fr. Augustine Thompson, a Dominican, in 2013.
- ISBN: 9780801479069
- Softcover, 186 pages, 5.5 x 8.5"
- Quality hardcover with ribbon marker
- 4.5 x 6.75 inches
- 216 pages
- Binding: Hardback PPC
- Pages: 240
- Size: 4.5" x 6.85"
This handy little book contains hundreds of direct quotes and short sayings of St. John Paul II, arranged according to the Christian virtues and other spiritual topics, allowing the reader to encounter his thoughts about particular aspects of the Christian life in a more organized manner.
- ISBN: 9781936639847
- 6" x 9"
- softcover
- 114 pages
- Illustrated on every page!
- This short book will introduce you to a the Servant of God Empress Zita whose Catholic faith and unflinching trust in Our Lord directed her throughout a long life of devoted love.
- Softcover booklet.
- 5 x 7", 20 pages.