- ISBN: 9783963160424
- The high-quality features of this newly published edition of the 1962 Missale Romanum include:
- 1264 pages with gilt edges, 8.5" x 12" x 2.75"
- Contains all prefaces, including those of the “Quo Magis” decree of 02/22/2020, with Gregorian Chant notation.
- Table of movable feast days, added up to the year 2077.
- Bound in deluxe red leather with silver foil stamping.
Special offer!
- The Liturgical Year fifteen volume set has over 7418 pages total in 15 volumes.
- This is a classic work on the texts of the Mass through the Liturgical Year, by the great Benedictine Abbot, Dom Guéranger.
- Reprint of 1962 Parish Ritual
- Latin-English
- 6 x 9 inches
- 314 pages
- bonded leather / gilt edges / ribbon
Out of stock
- The popular Saint Andrew Daily Missal is now available in this reprint of the 1945 edition!
- Over 1900 pages, with 5 ribbons and gold page edges.
- Hardcover, 4.25 x 6.75 inches.
- Latin and English texts of the Mass for the whole year and Vespers of Sundays and Feasts.
- Includes the older version of Holy Week liturgies, before the reforms of Pius XII.
- Latin-English Traditional Monastic Diurnal with all the day hours of the Benedictine Office.
- 8th edition from St. Michael's Abbey.
- High quality Leather binding with 6 ribbons, gilt edges, and hard slip cover.
- 4 x 6 x 1.25"
- Used by the brothers at Clear Creek.
- 1980 páginas. Cosido, cubierta flexible y resistente con relieves dorados.
- Mide 17 x 19 cms
- 1980 pages, flexible cover, 4.5 x 7 inches
- Latin-Spanish hand missal for the 1962 Mass
- Baronius Press
- Flexible Leather cover
- 4.5 x 7 inches
- English - Latin
- 2248 pages
- ISBN: 9781930278882
- 3.5 x 6", 1248 pages.
- Leather bound.
- The Blessed Sacrament Prayerbook by Fr. Lasance is a classic from 1913 with many novenas, prayers, the ordinary of the Mass and devotions for visits to the Blessed Sacrament.
- ISBN: 9780860124627
- 6. 5 x 9.5 inches
- 498 pages
- Compiled and edited by Adrian Fortescue, J.B. O'Connell, and Dom Alcuin Reid.
- Includes detailed rubrics and details on numerous aspects of the 1962 liturgy, including pontifical, solemn and low Mass, Vespers, Holy Week and the liturgical years, the sacraments, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, funerals, episcopal visitation and more.
- A must-have for priests and sacristans wishing to celebrate the traditional liturgy!
- Learn Gregorian Chant with Laus in Ecclesia, translated by a monk of Clear Creek Abbey.
- Spiral bound.
- 268 pages, with color photos, diagrams, and illustrations.
- 9 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches
- Free audio exercises are available here that allow the learner to hear and enter into the spirit of Gregorian chant.
- Deluxe Pocket-sized Traditional Catholic Prayer Book
- Flexible Leather Cover
- 754 pages
- 6 1/16" x 3 1/4"
- ISBN: 9781915544063
- Words of Life on the Margin of the Missal by Dom Columba Marmion.
- Deluxe hardcover with gilt edges and two ribbon markers.
- 5.5 x 7.75 inches, 228 pages.
- 2022 edition, newly typset by the Monks of Silverstream Priory.
- ISBN: 9781915544193
- Christ in his Mysteries is a classic work by the great Benedictine Abbot, Blessed Columba Marmion
- Hardcover, 6x9 inches, 412 pages
- ISBN: 9781936639366
- Hardback, 120 pages
- 8.75" x 11.75"
- Color text, photos and illustrations
- Treasure and Tradition is the ultimate guide to the traditional Latin Mass!
- ISBN: 9781905574049
- The Holy Mass by Dom Proper Gueranger
- Deluxe Leather-bound edition
- 4 x 6 inches
- 264 pages
- ISBN: 9781936639809
- Hardcover
- 8.5 x 11 inches
- 48 pages
- An Alphabet of the Altar by E. Vincent Wareing. Reprint of 1927 original. Magnificent illustrations.
- ISBN: 9781930278264
- First published in 1912, reprinted by Loreto Publications.
- Softcover, 428 pages
- ISBN: 9781930873179
- Hardcover with satin ribbon
- 140 pages, 4.25 x 6.25"
- Perfect gift for first communicants!
- Hardcover
- 4.75 x 6.75 inches
- 371 pages
- Classic aid to assisting at the Traditional Latin Mass with explanations and meditations on all the feasts and seasons of the Liturgical Year.
- Hardcover
- 4.75 x 6.75 inches
- 485 pages
- Classic aid to assisting at the Traditional Latin Mass with explanations and meditations on all the feasts and seasons of the Liturgical Year.
- Hardcover
- 4.75 x 6.75 inches
- 458 pages
- Classic aid to assisting at the Traditional Latin Mass with explanations and meditations on all the feasts and seasons of the Liturgical Year.
- Hardcover
- 4.75 x 6.75 inches
- 470 pages
- Classic aid to assisting at the Traditional Latin Mass with explanations and meditations on all the feasts and seasons of the Liturgical Year.
- Hardcover
- 4.75 x 6.75 inches
- 511 pages
- Classic aid to assisting at the Traditional Latin Mass with explanations and meditations on all the feasts and seasons of the Liturgical Year.
- Hardcover
- 4.75 x 6.75 inches
- 454 pages
- Classic aid to assisting at the Traditional Latin Mass with explanations and meditations on all the feasts and seasons of the Liturgical Year.