- ISBN: 9781892331489
- Durable softcover
- 5.5 x 8.5 inches
- 56 pages
- Black text with red rubrics
- Includes illustrations
- Baronius Press
- Flexible Leather cover
- 4.5 x 7 inches
- English - Latin
- 2248 pages
- ISBN 9783963160301
- Book cover bound in burgundy cowhide with gold-colored embossing on the front and back
- 6 colorful high quality ribbon bookmarks
- Compact size: 9 x 6.5 x 2 inches
Out of stock
- 1917: Red Banners, White Mantle by Warren H. Carroll
- ISBN: 9780931888052
- Paperback, 138 pages
- 5.5 x 8.5 inches
- Read in the Refectory of Clear Creek Abbey April 2022.
- This 100% wool brown scapular is a powerful devotional sacramental.
- Made in Italy.
- 100% beeswax candle.
- 7/8" diameter, 12" tall.
- Sold individually.
- Here is a list of 100 books to read before you die with short reviews written by lay people of all ages and walks of life.
- ISBN: 9781621382683
- Softcover, 6 x9"
- 306 pages.
- St. Benedict Olive Wood Laser Cut and Engraved Medal on a 27" Brown Cord .
- Size: 1" - 25mm
- Comes in a clear plastic hinged box.
- Sold individually.
- Made in Italy.